Monday 1 December 2014

I'm back...

It's been 10 months...

Now that seems a decent amount of time to have done something pretty productive in, although in my case I've done nothing. I was tempted to go back and read over some of my old blog posts to get me back into the swing of things but honestly, I just wanted a fresh start. In my head this sounds all emotional and for some reason american but I'm basically some wee Scottish chick who's not cool in the slightest. 

I don't really have a plan this time round-no pre set out post guides, themes or anything for that matter. Something just clicked with me and I realised how much I love and miss writing random shit every couple of weeks because I love putting down my thoughts. So, I guess that's what I'm going to do... Just talk. 

A lot of things have changed in these past 10 months. I've left school, begun an amazing music business course, lost and gained friends but mostly I feel I've grown up. Maybe some changes have upset me but I know it's for the better, or not even perminant. I've had so much time to think and instead of bottling it all up and crying every few weeks over a ton of shit that's built up, I think it's a good idea for me to just put it down here. 

Sometimes I feel I can't necessarily speak to those I used to because they've moved on and to talk to them would drag them back down to where I am-where we used to be. But things have changed and I need to aknowledge that. 

This has turn very morbid. So, yeah.. Hopefully this won't turn into a depressing blog. I'll still talk about makeup products and things of that nature because it makes me happy. I'll continue as before in a way: with all my random 'reviews' etc... But mainly I just want a space to breathe and be myself. God help us all. 

Enjoy this picture of my fat hamster... 

Later, chickas ✌️